Magnetic Messaging Review

Magnetic Messaging Review

Magnetic Messaging is the best way to begin a relationship. Quality conversation is necessary to start any relationship. If you want a romantic date, then it is important to learn about the texting strategy to attract women. The Magnetic Messaging guide will teach you the methods to start pulling women towards you. You will be guided about when to text and what to text to women with whom you want to build a romantic relationship.

Table of Content

What is Magnetic Messaging?

Magnetic Messaging Cover

Magnetic Messaging is a program that helps the user to learn about the art of dating through communication. In this program, you are told about 3 simple texts that help you turn on the woman and make her chase you. The dating system has changed a lot in the past few years, and now people date online through text messaging. This is the best way to start flirting with women, making plans as well as making moves to spend the night with her.

If you don’t know much about women and what they like, then it can be hard to gain the attention of the women. Using this guide, you will come to know what you should text her in order to make a move towards dating her, so if you wish to know Magnetic Messaging scam or true, then keeping reading further.

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Who is the author of Magnetic Messaging?

The authors of Magnetic Messaging are Bobby Rio and Rob judge, who are expert dating coaches. Bobby and rob tells that phone dating is divided into 3 parts:

  • Meeting up
  • Phone game
  • A date

The phone game is the part where many guys make mistakes. If you wish to date a woman for long, then you have to understand about attractive communication and the ways to implement it. Bobby and Rob have used the analog of pizza to divide 3 parts into a solid phone game:

  • Sparking emotions
  • Building connections
  • Handling logistics

They have explained that asking questions, offering an explanation, acting polite, and offering small talk are some of the mistakes that you should avoid. Also, bobby and rob have urged not used to not simply text the women out of your desire and say whatever you want. When you simply text her anything you have on your mind, then she loses interest in you. Magnetic Messaging offers you the tool to be flirty and humorous that women will stop everything going around them and text you back instantly.

What is Magnetic Messaging included?

In the first part of the book, you will learn about the phone game, and it tells you about the solid ingredients of the game that you have to keep in mind. The next part of the guide includes the secret behind three text sequences and many more things. Given below is the summary of key lock sequences:

Magnetic Messaging Packages

1st phase- you want a date

In this part, it is discussed how to text to make an emotional bond with one another and to plan a date. This section will guide you about what to do when women become unresponsive; still, you want to date her. Also, Magnetic Messaging tells how to make a girl turn into bad girls that send nudes and naughty shots. It guides you on how to change your language and make your way to get her back on a dating boat.

2nd phase- you’re dating her

It is an interesting part of the guide where you get the tips to get the second date and make conversations about dating her further. This is called “the art of bullshitting.” In the end, it will talk about what actually you will have to text her and make her in the mood.

3rd phase- actual dating

Now that you had second, third, and so on dates with her, that means you are actually dating her. It is important that when you reach this phase, then you maintain an emotional, spicy, and sexual relationship with her. It includes phone sex, sending hot pictures, making her happy and romantic. In this way, you two will become closer and have a successful romantic life.

It is important to note that this book includes various examples of what texts to send and what not. It tells you how to implant your erotic thoughts in her mind and make her text you back no matter what. In this guide, you will learn to tackle the various scenarios of phone games and dating. When you order this guide, you will get additional material with it like- 7 deadly texting mistakes; make small talk sexy and downloadable teasing as well as a banter cheat sheet.

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Pros & Cons of Magnetic Messaging


  • This guide is written in a humorous tone and highlights the main subject in an interesting manner.
  • Books include 2 years of case studies and examples as well as screenshots of texts to make users understand it easily.
  • There are lots of tips on how to bring her back to the conversation in various situations.
  • It will not let a girl you like to slip from your hands.


  • Although there is great information covered on dating. There are few people who things the Sexting part of the book needs more information.
  • This book is mainly about phone games and dating and does not solve relationship issues in general.


We recommend you Magnetic Messaging as it works for real, and it is not a scam. When you start with the Magnetic Messaging strategy, make sure to be yourself and treat the women in the right way. It is important that your phone messaging plan must be a little humorous and have a touch of sensitivity. We hope now you will be able to start dating the women you like and will never have to wait for her reply. She will text you instantly, and you can have a good time together. Dating on the phone will turn into real-life dating if you learn the art of communication. We hope that this review was useful to you!

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